Five Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

I've been wanting to add more variety to my blog content and decided to do more "about me" posts. I've had this blog for a while now but don't have much content under this label, so I'm going to try to do more about me posts, whether they be fun random ones like these or more personal posts.

I had a weird phase where I went back and forth about liking pizza.

Don't worry. I love pizza now.
This was when I was around 5/6/7-years-old, which was the peak of my picky eating. I don't know why I did this, but for a little while I didn't like pizza, and then I did for several months. Then I decided I didn't like it anymore and went back and forth for a few years, I think? 

Eventually I snapped out of it and stuck with liking pizza.
It's crazy to think back to that time because 1. it doesn't even make sense, and 2. I love pizza now. I couldn't imagine not eating pizza now!

I've had gum surgery.

I had two or three gum grafts when I was in high school. If you don't know what a gum graft (or any graft is), it's when they take gum from one part of your mouth and put it somewhere else. My gumline was pretty low for a few of my bottom front teeth, so I got that surgery and stitches in my mouth a few times. For some reason I don't remember if it was two or three times. But anyway, that's the only surgery I've ever had and the only reason I've gotten stitches.

I've met only one of my grandparents.

Obviously everyone has four grandparents whether you know or have met them. Most of my friends have known at least two of their grandparents, but I've only met and known one, my maternal grandma (or lola in Filipino/Tagalog). 
My other lola, from whom I got my middle name, died before I was born, as did both of my grandpas (or lolos in Filipino/Tagalog). I don't find it very weird or odd since no one really talks about my other grandparents that much and my brother didn't get to meet them all either, but I do think it's interesting since most of the friends I've had have met or known at least one grandma or one grandpa.

I'm really glad I got to know and meet my maternal lola, though, because she helped take care of and raise me for the first few years of my life. I'm so grateful that I had her in my life, even if it was for less than half of my life, because I definitely wouldn't be where I am today without her.

I won my third grade spelling bee.

I've always been a good speller. I don't know why, but it's just something I have a talent for. I'm not like an amazing speller like those kids in the Scripps National Spelling Bee or anything, but spelling and grammar have always been my educational strengths. 

When I was in third grade, I won my school's third grade spelling bee. I went to a small Catholic school, so I didn't have many people to beat, but I always thought it was cool. I also got second place in my second grade spelling bee.

I won a tennis tournament in middle school.

My middle school didn't have a tennis team, but it did have a tennis club. I was still interested in playing tennis at the time, so I joined the club with my friend Alyssa, whom I met three or four years before at park district tennis lessons. (We met again in six grade when we started going to the same middle school.) At the end of the year, the tennis club had a little tournament for whoever wanted to play. I'll admit right now that most of the people in the tennis club just did it for fun and to hang out with their friends, not because they actually really wanted to play tennis like I did. 

The ribbon I won for the tennis tournament (right) next to a volleyball medal I got in eighth grade
Anyway, some sort of competition was set up one day after school. It wasn't a big deal or very strict or anything. I'm pretty sure we didn't actually play by the exact rules in terms of serving and scoring, especially since most of the kids there didn't even know tennis scoring, but it was still playing. There was a separate competition for girls' singles, boys' singles, and doubles. I played girls singles.  I wasn't an awesome player or anything, but I guess I was just better than everyone else I played, so I ended up winning the girls' singles.

I just got a little blue ribbon or anything for winning, but as a little sixth grader, it felt cool to win. My name was even read in the announcements during lunch for winning, so that was cool as well. And that was the last time I played tennis for a long while.

What are some random fun facts about yourself? What else would you like to know about me?

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