My Go-to Hairstyles

My hair is very thick and long enough to reach the bottom of my back, and I shed pretty much everywhere I go. So it's unrealistic for me to wear it down all the time, especially in the summertime. Here are my go-to hairstyles for when I don't want to wear my hair down. Plus, I've linked a tutorial for each one so you can try them out yourself!

Topknot aka the Aly Raisman bun

Most people refer to this hairstyle as a topknot, but I like to call it the Aly Raisman bun because it resembles Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman's signature hairstyle. This hairstyle is pretty simple to do, and doing a messy bun is done essentially the same way. If you want to see a tutorial, check out this one.

Sock bun/ballerina bun

It honestly took me a while to master the sock bun, probably because I have so much hair. But it's not too difficult once you get the hang of it. This is a good tutorial on how to do one; it's exactly how I do mine. But depending on the kind of hair you have, you may find it helpful to modify it a bit like in this tutorial.

Although you can just use a cut up sock rolled into the shape of a donut, I find bun makers much more effective in holding and shaping the hair, especially if you have long, thick hair like me. They're also pretty inexpensive and can be found for around $5 at lots of stores, like Ulta, Claire's, Sally's Beauty Supply, and even Urban Outfitters,

I personally like to put ponytail holders over the finished sock bun so it's not as large because I have so much hair. It makes it look less like there's a flying saucer on my head and more of a ballerina bun.

Fishtail braid

Like the sock bun, fishtail braids took me a while to perfect. It's really easy once you know what you're doing though. When I first started learning, it would take me maybe 10 minutes to braid a decent one, and now, it only takes me 5 minutes, even with all of the hair I have. Here's a good tutorial to try.

Dutch braid/inside-out French braid

If you know how to French braid hair, then inside-out/Dutch braids will be easy. They're opposites. French braids make the braid look like they're embedded in your hair while Dutch braids look like they're popping out of your hair.

It's a little difficult to explain in words, so  here's a good tutorial with pictures. This is also how you can get the "Katniss braid." Simply start braiding by your left ear and braid to the bottom right side of your head.

When you don't want to wear your hair down, what hairstyles do you like to sport?

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