My Goals for 2016

It's a new year, and that means it's time to set new goals! New year's resolutions are common, but I like to have a bunch of small goals and not just one big goal. After all, setting smaller goals helps accomplish larger ones!

Whether or not I write them down or type them out, I always have goals for the year. Writing things down makes you more accountable, so I'm hoping compiling and typing them out into this post helps me accomplish these goals.


Goals that somehow relate and/or contribute to my career aspirations

My dream job would be any job that allows me to use my talents to help the sport of gymnastics grow, so what I'm currently striving for is to be a gymnastics reporter/writer. I was never a gymnast, so I don't have nearly 20 years of gymnastics knowledge like others my age interested in the sport, and despite writing journalistically since my junior year of high school, I do admit I have a lot to learn about writing.

  • get a summer internship
  • be more active/consistent with my blog
  • improve my journalism skills (writing, photo, video)
  • learn more names of artistic gymnastics skills
  • watch more/learn more about men's artistic gymnastics
  • watch more non-artistic gymnastics/learn more about other disciplines
  • become more familiar with NCAA gymnastics teams
  • learn more about international gymnasts 


Goals pertaining to school

Education and grades have always been important to me, and while I do realize that I am more than my grades, I still want to do the best I can and get the most out of the opportunities I am given. I've always liked to be challenged when it comes to learning, so trying to get straight A's (which I don't think I've ever done -- not even in middle school) is good motivation for me to do well.
  • get A's in most of my spring semester classes
  • get A's in most of my fall semester classes
  • finish taking political science and philosophy classes


While it sometimes feels like all I do anymore is go to school and some sort of journalistic work, (whether that be an internship or working on this blog) there are other aspects to my life, and there's always room to improve.
  • read 20 books
  • be more active and exercise more
  • learn something new
  • try something new
  • cook a wider variety of meals
  • make cupcakes from scratch
  • clean my closet/get rid of clothes I don't want/wear anymore
If I come up with more as the year goes on, I'll do my best to add them to this post. At the end of the year, hopefully I can come back to this list and cross many of these off.

What are some of your goals for the year? IF you have a new year's resolution, what is it?

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