Motivation Monday: Keeping Busy with Classes, Clubs, and Internships

Being in college is not easy. It can be rather busy. Of course, there are classes, which every college student experiences. But many add even more on top, like clubs, Greek life, jobs, and internships.

This semester is perhaps my busiest one yet. Although I'm currently only taking four classes, I have a lot of other responsibilities and commitments. I am the writing editor of the University of Illinois' official yearbook, Illio (which is essentially a job); an intern with FloGymnastics as the University of Illinois Correspondent; the secretary of the University of Illinois' To Write Love on Her Arms UChapter; and recently joined the Illinois Sports Business Association. In addition, I just found out last week that I will be adding another class during the second half of the semester as part of a sports media industry immersion trip to Portland.

It certainly looks like a lot to handle, and it is. I don't think I've ever had so much on my plate before. So why do it? Why pile an internship, two clubs, and a job on top of schoolwork? What's the motivation behind it? Isn't there a worry that it's too much to handle?

Of course. Since this is the most I've ever been responsible for, I'm definitely worried. But I'm not going to let that stop me from making connections, getting involved, and best preparing myself for my future, which is what these activities are doing.

My classes teach me information that will make me more well-rounded and how to be a better journalist.

Being part of Illio allows me to apply my journalism skills. As the writing editor, I get to work on my leadership and editing skills and how to work in a group. (I also get to make some money, which is nice, of course.)

Interning with FloGymnastics lets me do what I love while gaining valuable real-world experience. It's my job to watch and report on gymnastics, something I absolutely love! I get to make connections with coaches and people in a very specific industry I want to work in. If I never interned for them, I never would have sat at press row at one of the biggest USA Gymnastics meets. So I know it's worth it.

Joining my school's TWLOHA UChapter also gives me more experience in working with a group. I've also met some awesome people because of it. It's given me a bit of background knowledge on what it takes to host and fundraise for an event.

I've only been part of the Sports Business Association for a week or so, but after attending one meeting, I can already tell that it provides some really great opportunities to make connections and learn about the sports industry.

I know that journalism isn't an easy business to get into. I know it's not easy to find a job (not just in journalism, either). I know that nothing will just be handed to me.

If I want to be successful and happy with what I do for the rest of my life, I know I'm going to have to work for it. I'm going to have to put a lot of time and effort into it. That's why I am so involved and busy.

I know the more I do and get involved, the more people I'll meet. And sometimes, it's not always about what you can do. Sometimes, it's about who you know. That's where my motivation for all of this comes from.

There may be days where I'm so busy I barely have time to eat. There may be times when I'm so stressed that I just want to cry. There are days when I don't even have time to blog (like last week, when I originally wanted this post to go up). But in the end, I know that these are all experiences that are going to benefit me.

So find your motivation, find a reason, find what makes you want to get up every morning, and go for it.

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