Christmas Treats Galore

One of my favorite things about Christmas is the food. It's a big celebration, and every big celebration should have delicious food. While there's the iconic Christmas dinner with ham, my favorite food aspect would have to be the Christmas desserts. I mean, it's not Christmas without cookies for Santa, right?

I don't consider myself to be much of a cook, but I do love making desserts and baking. Whenever we have a big family get-together or anything, I always make some sort of dessert, usually cupcakes. This Christmas, my sister and I were rather ambitious and made four different desserts all on Christmas Eve!

Cutout sugar cookies and Rice Krispie treats

Every Christmas celebration should have cookies! My favorite cookies are chocolate chip, but sugar cookies always seem more appropriate to me for Christmas. The recipe I used is a great cutout sugar cookie recipe. The shapes of the cookies didn't warp one bit. 

The Rice Krispie treats aren't anything special in terms of a recipe. It's the same recipe that's on the cereal box of the Jet Puffed marshmallows bag. These specific ones consist of two layers of Rice Krispie treat with a layer of holiday mini M&M's in the middle. When my sister and I were spreading out the first batch into the pan, it seemed too thin, so we added M&M's on top. Then we decided it would be kind of cool to put another batch of Rice Krispie treat on top like a layered cake. After that layered cooled and hardened a bit, I drizzled melted white chocolate on top and sprinkled it with some more mini M&M's just to make it more festive and decorative.

Oreo balls/Oreo truffles

These seemed to be my family's favorite of all the desserts my sister and I made and brought to our uncle's house. Only a few were leftover after the party ended, and that's probably only because there were less people at our Christmas celebration than normal. If the same amount of kids were present as there normally are, I'm sure we would have came home with none.

Anyway, these are pretty simple and easy to make. Only three ingredients (Oreos, cream cheese, and white chocolate) are needed! And because they're not difficult, I would've made more if I knew my relatives were going to tell me how much they like them. Even my dad -- who doesn't really care for desserts or sweets -- really enjoyed them. My aunt even asked about how to make them since she thinks my nephew would love them. Perhaps next time there's a family get-together, my sister and I will make them again.

Holiday funfetti cupcakes

Although my sister and I usually make cupcakes for parties, we never make them from scratch. We just haven't gotten around to that yet. So these were just made from a Pillsbury cake mix and decorated with the holiday frosting and sprinkles that went with it. Even though they're not homemade, they're still really good. Besides, I'm not sure we would have had time to make anything else from scratch.

My sister and I have a cupcake frosting and cookie decorating set that we use to frost our cupcakes so they look nicer and not like we made them from a box. You can find one for pretty cheap at TJ Maxx or HomeGoods. If you like baking and decorating, then I would definitely recommend getting one.

What desserts did you like to make/have for Christmas and the holidays? Also, this is my first food post, so tell me how you like these in the comments below. After all, I love to bake, so more food posts could be in my future!

Happy holidays, and happy new year!

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