My Favorite Blog Posts of 2015

Since I started this blog during the summer of 2014, I've published 75 blog posts (not counting this one). Considering I only posted 10 blogs in 2014, this year was definitely the year my blog took off. By "really took off," I don't mean it became hugely successful, I mean that I really started dedicating lots of time into this blog and trying to make it not only a fun place where I can write about whatever I want, but more than that.

In a post from earlier this year, I talked about how powerful words are. I'm trying to convey that message through this blog while still expressing myself. I want this blog to show the world who I am and what I care about. Through this, I hope others can be encouraged to do the same or at least simply find joy in what I'm sharing with the world. That's what all of my favorite posts from this year have in common. They have all brought some sort of joy to myself and/or others. (Not that the rest of my posts haven't brought me any joy. It's just that these ones in particular did more.)

Favorite Glee Songs Series

In the latter end of my high school years, I was a pretty big Gleek. I listened to Glee probably 24/7 and even got a t-shirt. I was also pretty upset when I didn't get to go to Glee Live. After I graduated high school, I didn't really consider myself a Gleek anymore because my interest in the how had gone down significantly, but I still watched the show till the very end. 

Around the time of the series finale, I wanted to do something on this blog for the series finale, so I decided to do multiple posts about my favorite songs from the show. It was really fun going through the hundreds of songs they covered on the show, and I loved listening to all of my favorite songs from the show. I especially enjoyed listening to the ones that reminded me of why I loved the show so much.

My Gymnastics Clothing Collection

Gymnastics and fashion are two of my favorite things, so being able to combine the two in a blog post was great for me. I'm not even sure I realized how much stuff I have until I did that post. It's safe to say I am obsessed with the sport. Otherwise, I wouldn't have so many gymnastics related clothing items as a non-gymnasts. Also, there a few things I have yet to include in it because I didn't have them with me to photograph when I was doing the post and/or I got new stuff. So I'll update that when I get around to it.

Where It Began: A Growing Passion for Gymnastics and Its Impact on My Life

Even though this is a lifestyle blog and not a gymnastics one, I blog about the sport a lot. But that's because I have such a strong interest in it, and it's an important part of my life, professionally and socially. It was a pleasure writing about how I, someone who's never been a gymnast, got into gymnastics and how important it's been in my life. I pretty much always enjoy writing about gymnastics.

Checking Off the Bucket List at Dew Tour Chicago

Whenever I do something cool, I usually blog about it, which is what my Dew Tour post was. It was the first action sports competition I've ever went to, and even though it didn't go as planned, I really enjoyed it. Before I became obsessed with gymnastics, I was pretty obsessed with action sports (and still very much enjoy it), so being at Dew Tour and writing about the awesome experience definitely reminded me of how much I enjoy action sports and why I was so into them. Plus, meeting professional skateboarders is cool.

An Evening with Friends and Jamie Tworkowski

Jamie Tworkowski, the founder of the non-profit To Write Love on Her Arms, is awesome. Enough said. Meeting him was such an amazing experience because he has a unique way with words and started a wonderful organization that has helped so many people. Hearing him tell his story in person was unforgettable. In addition, I got to hang out with one of my friends for the first time at the event I wrote that post on, so that was fun!

World Suicide Prevention Day 2015: A Reflection on Words

The WSPD post is actually related to my Jamie Tworkowski one in that TWLOHA is a non-profit organization that aims to raise awareness and help those struggling with mental illnesses like suicide and depression. Since meeting Jamie, I've become a lot more involved with TWLOHA (they have UChapters at colleges around the nation, and I'm part of one), so I'm more aware and motivated in raising awareness for things like WSPD. 

That post wasn't necessarily a joyful one as its topic is rather serious. It wasn't easy to write at all, especially as I shared some personal experiences of my own to show how powerful words are, but that post reached a lot of people, which made me glad. It made me happy knowing that people were becoming educated on WSPD and the power of words.

Fashion Friday: Style Icons: Nastia Liukin

Nastia's was my very first style icon post, and honestly, it was something I came up with so I could blog about Nastia Liukin on her birthday. I ended up really liking the idea and just searching through people's Instagrams to find outfits of theirs that I love. Nastia is my favorite gymnast, and I've liked her sense of style for as long as I can remember, so I love that my way of celebrating her birthday ended up being something I stuck with for Fashion Friday. Plus, Nastia favorited the tweets about that post, so that's pretty cool!

My Best Friends' Birthdays: Celebrating Life and Love

I like birthdays (others' more than mine), and I love giving presents, so doing a blog post for my best friends' birthdays was like icing on the cake (pun intended). That was right around the time that my uncle passed away, so it was nice to realize that we need to celebrate life while we can. I also enjoyed that through that post, I could show people that it doesn't matter how long you've known someone. One friend that post is for is someone who's only been part of my life for a year while the other has been in my life for about eight years. I hope others have realized that from reading it.

Which posts from this year were your favorite(s)?

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